If for some reason you cannot open the "Registration (open me!)" application, use the form below to register:
NOTE: You should register using the “Registration (open me!)” application which should have come with PopAddress. If you did not receive it or if it does not work for some reason, you can use this form to register. You can send cash, check or money order (U.S. only please), VISA, MasterCard, Discover & American Express are also accepted. If using credit card, you can email or fax this form to register.
Product: PopAddress 1.0 Registration form
Email addresses:
Payment Method:
Card type (if using
credit card):
(VISA, MasterCard,
Discover or American
Full name on card....:
card number..........:
expiration date......:
Price per copy.......: $20.00
Number of copies.....:
Send Latest shareware
on disk? (add $5)....:
If sending latest on
disk, specify disk
size (800k or HD)....:
Tax (only add your
local sales tax if
you are requesting
that a disk be sent
and you live in
Total Due............:
Email, FAX or send this registration form to:
John V. Holder Email addresses (AOL is preferred):
1734 "S" Street America Online: JohnHolder@aol.com
Eureka, CA 95501 Internet......: jvholder@northcoast.com